Welcome to the Spring 2019 study. We begin with David Jeremiah’s book “God Loves You,” and the first formatted lesson plan is attached for your adaptation. Dr. Jeremiah is the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, CA.
Quote from the book’s back cover: “God Loves You will enable you to know Him as a God of love who wants to connect you with the healing power of His grace so you can experience the life of love He created you to enjoy.”
May you be encouraged as you embark on this journey of preparation for our new study.
Debbie Manthe
Linda Lemmons
I am looking for the older master work Spring 20-9 with God Loves You by David Jeremiah
Linda, you asked about the availability of an older study in Masterwork. Unfortunately, that is no longer available. Our agreements with the publishers of the books we study are only for the duration of the quarter in which the study is released. Our contract with David Jeremiah’s publisher ceased at the end of Spring 2019.
Thank you for letting MasterWork be a part of your Bible study.